- Walt Streightiff - 



There are no seven wonders of the

world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.

Children are introduced to various aspects of Practical Life so as to equip them with the necessary daily life skills. Activities are designed to help children develop their concentration, coordination, independence and a sense of order. Through these exercises, children enhance their self confidence and attention span which are crucial for the mastery of other more advanced skills at a later stage. Here, we also begin to instill positive social values in the children such as courtesy and manners.

A sneak peek into The Sunshine Academy



Children learn about the world around them through the constant uses of their senses. The sensorial activities and materials are designed to develop and heighten the five core senses of children, preparing them for future learning. Some outcome of sensorial learning includes the ability to distinguish colours, forms, sizes, textures, weights, dimensions and sounds and smells.  


We live in a multi-cultural world and children naturally are curious about the various different cultures and about our world. The teaching materials we use will provide children with the essential knowledge of various aspects of our cultures and  environment. Subject matters such as cultures, science, natural environment, zoology, geography and arts will be introduced.


We employ a multi-prong approach that combines phonics, stories-telling and language experiences to increase the children's interest in speaking, reading and writing. Through the usage of visual, audio and touch materials, the process begins with learning phonics sounds of the alphabets and progresses to reading and grammatical skills. Literacy requires a sound foundation for children to advance further to independent reading, comprehension, writing and communications.


Children use Montessori Mathematics equipment to learn mathematical concepts. Equipment include number rods, beads, ..... and others. The apparatus effectively give children a clear initial understanding of the four basic operations in mathematics, and further progress them to abstract mental calculations in preparation of their next stage of education.